At the November 18, 2021 School Board meeting, FHSD board president Mary Lange directly cut off speaker Chris Brooks during public comments – when he was explaining how censorship during public forums directly infringes on first amendment rights.
This type of behavior is highly concerning – in this case – Mr. Brooks isn’t wrong – he is well within his first amendment rights in what he said. Any of the other six board members could have spoken out against this behavior and request Mr. Brooks be allowed to speak. My fear is this type of behavior from the board is going to open up the district to legal action.
As a tax payer in the district, I’d prefer to see our tax dollars going directly to benefit the children’s education and support for teachers rather than fighting off preventable litigation.
Given our district is already struggling with fiscal management, why you would open the district up to this type of liability?
Not sure what I’m referring to? You can see the clip below and decide for yourself. Was this a case of violation of freedom of speech? Has the board opened the district up to litigation? Sound off and let me know your thoughts below.