Why are you running for school board?
I’m a proud Francis Howell High School Alumni and currently have four children involved with the district. I want to see the district succeed for my kids as it did for me. Unfortunately, I’ve seen to many concerning actions by the district’s administration and a board that seems more willing to check the box than preform their true role of establishing the Vision of the district and holding the administration accountable for delivering on it.
Why do you believe you are best qualified to serve as a school board member?
My background offers me the experience to challenge the district’s methods and policies – particularly around finances, communication, and established processes. Our children have been involved at the early childhood, elementary, and middle school levels. I have served on the strategic planning and communication committees within the district previously.
What is your vision for the school district?
A schools purpose is to help students learn the information needed to be prepared and successful in there next stages of life. For Primary School this is preparation for Middle School, which prepares for High School and then for life on your own – either in College or a Profession. Everything the district does should be viewed in this light – ‘Preparing our students to be as successful as possible.’ This will look different for all students based on their abilities, and we should have a wide area for students to explore as they progress through the system.