With FHEA coming out with endorsements there have been some trying to understand what was asked of the candidates and how they answered. I want to add clarity to this process by releasing my answers to the best of my ability.


Answers to FHEA

Applicant’s FHSD Activities

Unfortunately, due to covid my FHSD activities have been limited.

Applicant’s Civic/Community Activities/Political Activities

Scouting for Food Leader — Cub Scout Pack 989 (Independence Elementary)


1. Would you like to expand on your reasons for running for a position on the FHSD Board of Education? Do you have a particular issue or concern that you would like to address as a Board member?

With four children in the district the educational system is extremely important and is a great impact to my family, as it is will all families of the district. I’m a process guy and have spent the last 15 years of my career helping and holding people accountable for making improvements. My goal is to see that improvements are made within Fiscal Management, Educational Excellence, and Transparency.

2. What is the role of a school board member?

The board doesn’t operate the district day to day, but they should provide needed input and necessary oversight. Board members can suggest new policies to put into place, suggest agenda items, or raise discussion/debate during meetings. And, while there are some items that must remain confidential, other background business of the board can continuously be communicated to the public to make them aware.

3. If FHEA (teachers’ association) or FHESPA (support staff association) contacts you with a concern, how will you work with us to resolve the concern?

There are proper channels, processes and policies that need to be followed at all times, and after listening to the situation I would determine if this a matter for the board, if not, I would direct the representative to the appropriate resource. Unfortunately, the Board is only the decision maker after an item has exhausted all other options — if a board member were to get involved prior, they would have to be recused if it reached them officially.

4. Do you believe FHEA and FHESPA play an essential and positive role in our school district? Why?

Structures to improve the communication and feedback between differing groups is always beneficial. Having a rolled up synthesis of group members thoughts, feelings, and ideas is needed to make proper decisions. I believe FHEA and FHESPA fill this role.

5. How would you establish communication with these groups? If you have prior experience on the board, did you ever reach out to FHEA/FHESPA leadership during your term(s)?

I am a fan of building personal working relationships, and it would be beneficial to establish a standard cadence — I would suggest monthly, to discuss the most pressing issues and general listening post.

6. How would you handle a parent who contacts you and complains about a teacher, a principal, or an educational support professional?

There are proper channels, processes and policies that need to be followed at all times, and after listening to the situation I would determine if this a matter for the board, if not, I would direct the representative to the appropriate resource. Unfortunately, the Board is only the decision maker after an item has exhausted all other options — if a board member were to get involved prior, they would have to be recused if it reached them officially.

7. Which school districts do you believe should be used as a comparison for determining salaries and benefits for FH teachers? For ESPs? For site administrators? For district office administrators?

***Question not set up correctly…

8. Teachers are at capacity with responsibilities. As expectations have changed, additional tasks have been added. How do you plan to protect work/life balance and being a top-notch school district?

We have and continue to need great teachers, that are allowed to do their job of educating our children. I suggest as part of a fiscal audit and review we take a hard look at district priorities to determine the best path forward.

9. How much time do you expect to dedicate to fulfill your obligations as a school board member?

This is not a role that a consistent amount is easily applied too. I will say, I do not take on a role as important and critical BOE lightly and do not make decisions without doing proper due diligence — I would expect significant time.

10. What are the critical issues currently facing the Francis Howell School District?

Fiscal Management, Educational Excellence, and Transparency

11. In the event you have to make some tough decisions regarding spending priorities for the school district’s revenue, what are the three things you would cut first?

Purchased Services, Supplies, Subsidies

12. In the event you have to make some tough decisions regarding spending priorities for the school district’s revenue, what are the three things you would fight to protect?

Teacher & Para Salaries, School building staff, Building Maintenance,

13. Should teacher evaluations be tied to student performance on standardized tests? Please explain your answer.

I’m not a fan of having teacher pay tied to standardized tests, as there are too many variables outside the teachers control.

14. What is your opinion of merit pay?

Generally, I am a fan of merit pay as I’ve had it my entire career, but it all depends on how the system is set up and what measures are utilized. I believe having a standardized pay can work as well, but feel it’s always beneficial to have mechanisms to reward those that go above and beyond.

15. Voters just approved a 240 million dollar bond issue and we will have many building projects over the next 15 years. When you are faced with hiring bids, is it more important to take the lowest bid or to hire local union labor?

This would depend on what you mean my ‘local’? Is this the Francis Howell District, St. Charles County, Metro Area? Generally I find the majority of bids will be local to the Metro Area due to the added cost of significant travel for projects. Regarding Union Labor I think it is important to get skilled professionals to complete the work, as it can bring additional value to the project, and feel that Union Labor can be competitive in the bidding process when viewed through this lens.

16. How are you currently involved in the district and how many Board of Education meetings have you attended in the last year?

I have viewed the last 1-2 years of BOE meeting through the live stream, except the one I attended and spoke at. I have also viewed a large number of Wentzville and Fort Zumwalt board meetings.

17. In your career or jobs you have had, did you belong to a union? Explain.


18. How important is it for a school board member to communicate with state legislators?

It is important to communicate with the state legislature when laws affecting the school district are up for a vote.

19. How often have you communicated with your state legislators lately? If you are a returning candidate, in your capacity as a board member, how many contacts have you made with representatives in your term?

I periodically message my representatives to offer thoughts and opinions on issues.

20. Since the last 3 tax levies were rejected by the community, what is your personal plan for developing more positive relationships with our community?

The only way voters approve any future tax levy or bond issue is to have trust in the district. Would you give your money to a financial advisor or business partner you can’t trust? To repair trust the district must be open and transparent, even if things go wrong, and make the necessary adjustments for improvement. A particular action I think many would like to see is a full audit.

21. Is there any other information about you and your desire to be an FHSD Board of Education member that you would like to share?

Can view more information at votebertrand.com


1. Were you encouraged to run for the FHSD Board by an organization or by any Board member, current or former?

No — but a former superintendent encouraged me, stating the ‘district needs good people’.

2. Are you running with any other candidate?


3. Are you seeking the support or meeting with any other groups? Have you been offered any support for your candidacy from any other groups or individuals?

I have been talking with many patrons of the district, board members, former superintendents, teachers, etc — many have offered words of encouragement and support.

4. Would you be able to come up with 10 people who you feel comfortable in asking for money or other support for your campaign?


5. What else would you like to tell us about your campaign?



Along with the questionnaire I choose to interview over zoom with an FHEA panel. I didn’t take note of all questions asked, so this is from memory and may not be exact, but if I remember correctly Anita, the FHEA President, had seven questions for me to answer. The majority of them were fairly benign and consisted of asking the same question(s) as presented in the survey. Three questions stand out as decidedly different, which are below as I best can remember.

  1. Do you support having a full time release FHEA President?

I stated in general I see benefit for the full time release, as I assume their are business meetings at the central office at times school is in session. I also expressed support given the offer by FHEA of the district not paying for this position.

2. Do you support an ‘Evergreen Clause’ in the teacher contract?

If you don’t know what an ‘Evergreen Clause’ is don’t worry I didn’t either. Basically, it’s a clause saying if you can’t agree in negotiations the old contract language stays active and this can be applied to the entire contract or select parts. I stated I would need additional time to think through how this would impact the district long term before determining a position.

3. Do you support the ‘Board Resolution on Racism’?

I told the panel I did not support the resolution in its current form…and was asked to explain. I stated I think it could be simplified to be more inclusive and easier to understand.